Monday, May 18, 2015

Abby Is Home!

Abby made it back to Knoxville this week! YAY! I like having her in town. I am so glad she made it back and gets to see this big belly of mine. I am so glad Abel gets to hear her voice again.
Abby's first visit with Abel since December

Abel is getting to the point that space is a little tight inside my belly and he is growing, at the visit this week he measured about 6 pounds already. This belly seems huge but it sure isn't a 5 star hotel in there. Because space is getting tight he isn't kicking or poking quite as much. Abby has been able to feel the hard lumps inside of me but she hasn't had the privilege of feeling Abel move. That changed last night! Abel has turned into a little more of a night owl recently. I got into bed last night and Victor and I were talking and Abel started knocking! (I think he likes the calm comfort of bed, who doesn't, and Victor’s voice) I yelled for Abby to come back to our bedroom and she got to feel her sweet nephew kick or tap or whatever he does! I think she had tears of joy, it was a special moment! Of course Abby’s voice got squeaky in excitement and she cheered Abel on! When you feel him move, you feel the life inside of him, it makes things more real, it is special! It was a special moment, one you don’t want to forget, one I am sure neither of us will forget!

Abel kept tapping or poking for a while Victor got to enjoy some of the love too. As ready as I was to go to sleep I guess he just wasn't because he kept the action up for a while. I won’t lie and I won’t share Victor’s moments too much with the world but it definitely brought some emotion out of Abel’s dad. It was the most action Victor had felt out of his son, you can’t just shut it off, you don’t want to either. A proud daddy moment and those are always special in itself. It was a moment you don’t want to end, one you want to last as long as possible.

They say; as in books, other moms, and dads,  it is usually harder for dads to bond with babies while mom is pregnant. I believe that. Mom carries the baby, has the baby with her all day, the baby is our flesh it’s in us, moms feel things before dads and some things dads can’t physically feel.  Dad supports the mom and dad’s bond isn't really made until the baby gets here, until they get to see and hold their flesh. In our case I want that to be different. I don’t know the time Victor may have to form any sort of bond so the bond has to start now. As the mom I also feel it is my job to encourage this bonding. Yes, it is my belly but it is Victor’s son just as much as mine and he can talk, rub, play, read and sing to it all he wants. I will stop in my tracks to give him those moments.

A few weeks ago Victor and I were lying in bed talking and Victor’s head was on my belly. I guess Abel didn't like that or wanted his dad to know he heard him but all of a sudden Abel kicked the crud out of Victor’s head! I mean really kicked! My belly jumped and Victor’s head just about went flying off. He kicked so hard Victor just about sat up out of amazement! I am telling you this kid has some spunk and he wants the world to know he is here!

These are the precious moments that get us through. They are priceless. God shines and God gives and He provides our hearts desires. I know Abby wanted and needed to feel Abel. I am glad she got that moment. I am glad she got to feel the life in Abel. I know Abel loves his Aunt Abby. Victor has had an emotional week last night probably added to that emotion but I think God knew he needed it. He needed the reassurance his son was in there and was OK. That Abel is just as OK as the rest of us if not more. He is in God's hands and what better place to be? God knows our hearts, He knows them better than us!

1 comment:

  1. Read this when you first posted it but forgot to comment on how much I love my Abel so much
