Wednesday, February 11, 2015

First Trimester

Our first trimester went great to be honest! Yes, at first I was a little concerned because I have known/heard of so many women miscarrying because their progesterone was low. There was also a little confusion at the beginning of how far along I actually was looking at blood work. Because my doctor loves me so much I was in his office quite a bit the first couple of weeks checking my levels. To ease my worries and help ensure my progesterone was good I was placed on progesterone pills. Yeah, this did ease my worries and I felt good to go after that. On a plus side because I was on the progesterone I got to go to the doctor every week and see our little one grow! This was great for lots of reasons; we got to see our little one once a week, hear its heart beat, check up on things all big pluses for any mom but especially a first time mom! I mean let’s be honest I am pretty clueless! All the ultra sounds looked good!  Baby was growing great and looked to be right on schedule!

The first 3 months seemed to be a walk in the park. I mean I sometimes I caught myself thinking “this pregnancy stuff is easy”, “I got this” or “Maybe I was really meant to have babies after all”. I was tiered the first couple of months I mean really tired but come on I was growing a human! The first trimester is crucial to the baby. That’s when everything forms and starts getting into place! It’s a lot for my body and the baby. I was the host to this baby, I needed my rest so that its little body could do what it needed and my body could give it all the tools needed. I never really got sick. I would have random gagging spurts, I mean random! All of a sudden I would feel like I needed to gag, I would, and then I would be fine. The day went on. Seriously one night we made Mac & Cheese and I was making a plate for lunch the next day I touched a noodle with my finger and oh all of a sudden I had to run to the bathroom. That was it though just some gagging but its always safer to be near a toilet than not. I ate the Mac & Cheese the next day for lunch. I mean seriously if that was the worst to come then I thought I was doing pretty good! I thought I had this in THE BAG!

Mom and Abby came in town in December and got to go to a doctor’s appointment for the 12/13 week check up. We had a great ultrasound; the baby was active and even waved at the camera. This was great! Abby and my mom were both happy they got to go and see the baby.  It was fun and I was glad they could be part of the experience especially considering they would be going back to Texas at the beginning of January. The baby looked good, everything looked great and we were right on schedule!

First trimester down on to the second…

I mean cutest baby ever, right!?! 

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