I was never regular to the day. I tried to track my cycles
but sometimes it worked and sometimes it was pointless. I was supposed to start
on a Wednesday in October but my monthly “friend” was nowhere to be seen.
Thursday came and went and still no visit. On Friday I told Victor I was 2 days
late, but of course once I told him this I figured “my friend” would show up.
Victor told me not to worry about it or stress over it and of course that is
easier said than done.
The weekend came and we went on with business as normal.
Saturday Victor was going to the grocery store so I told him to pick up a test
just in case. I wasn't feeling pregnant but I was tired of wasting my money on them just to come back
negative. By Saturday night Victor’s curiosity was starting to get to him too.
He brought the test home and I sat it on the table. I wasn't really in a hurry for a rude awakening or the hurt that pregnancy test have brought in the past.
Sunday came and I was still putting off the test. Victor
finally asked if I was going to take the test or not but I still wasn't ready
to. We had a family gathering that evening for his Mammaw’s birthday. I didn't
want bad news before hand and have to be around people if I wasn't really up to
it. I mean let’s be honest when you are trying to conceive a baby any and every
negative pregnancy test hurts. It hurts bad! It’s a sharp cut below the belt. It is like a stamp of failure, AGAIN. Some days you recover a little better some days it stings more and you just
need your own time. The other side was if it was positive I didn't want to have
to keep a secret around everyone who would probably see right through me and
Victor. (His family can read him like a book, he wouldn't be able to hide any kind of secret, they would know "something" was up) So I waited a little longer.
When your husband knows you are peeing on a stick there is a
little added pressure. Not that either one of you can change the outcome. It’s
just that ‘special’ pressure to pee I guess, like someone is watching, even if
no one is around. We got home from the family gathering and Victor was putting
the windows back on the jeep so I went inside and had to pee. So what the heck
lets pee on a stick and see what happens… A partial positive came up and showed
up pretty fast! I freaked! I sure did stick my head out our bedroom window and
yelled down to Victor to get up here! You could hear the urgency in my voice.
He came running. Once he realized I wasn't in the kitchen he figured out it
wasn't a bug so it must be THE TEST. He came to the bathroom and I showed him
the partial positive (now when I say partial positive, it was more of the positive
line than a negative line if that makes any since) and asked what he thought.
He read the test, read the instructions, looked at the test, looked at the
instructions, looked at me and said “I duno, your guess is as good as mine.” (I mean after all this was the closest we had
ever been to a positive test) We went back and forth a bit and decided to call a
nurse friend that has helped me out way more than she has ever had to. (And we
love her for everything including all my crazy calls) Remember it was a Sunday
evening. I called and rambled on to her voice mail about this pregnancy test
that I wasn't sure if I was reading right or how to read it, I didn't know what to do and then apologized
for bothering her on a Sunday. She sure did call me back, like the wonderful
person she is and told me to come in to the office in the morning to test my
This is in no way the way I ever thought I would tell Victor
he was going to be a daddy, FINALLY. I had thought of cute ways to break the
news to him for forever. I wanted to make it special for him. I mean we have
both been working hard for that positive test for a long time. I wanted him to
remember it. I wanted it to be special
for both of US. HAHA fooled me on that plan. But at least we were together and
could share in the good news. Too bad we just weren't sure if we should
celebrate or not quite yet. Our hearts were still a little guarded.
Somehow we are supposed to go to sleep and be rested for a
Monday… sure…?
I woke up at like 5 and tried peeing on a stick again. Same
results. I got back in bed and didn't say anything until Victor rolled over. I looked at him and said I guess we’re going
to have a baby! Now to lay there until we really had to get up and get our day started. This was a storm of emotions for us both.
I went to the doctors later that day. My friend saw a
picture of the test along with the doctor and they both knew right off the bat
we were pregnant! They took my blood just to check things out. But yup sure enough,
Long story short here: I wanted to keep it a bit of a
secret, you know until we were a little out of the woods at least. Well that’s hard
when your husband’s mom works for the GYNO along with his aunt and Mammaw. So
that Monday night we told Victor’s mom and sister (his dad was at work). We
told my dad and brother. I had to go back to the doctor that Wednesday just to
double check my blood work so we were going to wait until then to tell the rest
of the family. Wednesday we told his Mammaw and Papaw and “slowly” told the
rest of our families. Keep in mind Victor has a huge very close knit family; news doesn't travel “slowly” around these people. But that is o.k. we wanted the
prayers up front for whatever God had in His plan. These are the people that celebrate the good with you and pray and support you in the hard/bad times. We all deserved this celebration!
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