God knows the desires of your heart. He knows just want you
need and when you need it.
You know the question “is your cup ½ full or ½ empty?” My
cup is full. My cup is always full! In fact my entire plate and table are full!
Sometimes we have to change the way we look at things to realize how bountiful
our plates really are. It's all in your perspective. I know I am blessed beyond measure in so many
different ways.
I came home Monday to a wonderful husband who also cooked me
a wonderful dinner. Not only was he waiting on me but so was a big brown
Some of my oldest and dearest friends had sent me a care
package! Oh my heart was filled so much with joy! Carly, Jaime, Veronica and I
met in 7th grade by 8th grade we were inseparable. These
girls loved me and helped me in spite of everything. You see they know very
well my lack of rhythm and well they were still my friends through 8th
grade cheerleading, in fact, they even tried to help. Granted let’s be honest
there is no helping this girl when it comes to dancing, clapping and
that requires rhythm. They helped introduce me to a straightener, which we all
know my hair needs daily! These girls were some of my very best friends growing
up. We survived boyfriends, a lot of 1st, parental issues,
heart breaks, middle school, high school, BFF’s moving away and so much more. I
won’t lie time took a toll and we haven't stayed in touch as much as we all wish
we would. A couple years ago though we all met back up for our 10 year
reunion- it was like nothing ever changed; a true test of friendship.

So on this plain boring old Monday I came home and there is
this big box from Texas! I got excited! Inside I found a huge Easter egg filled
with goodies and sweet cards. There was candy, there were little nick-knacks
you just had to laugh at and even more there were PRETTY PANTIES! If you know
me you know my obsession with pretty panties. I will be honest, as I have gotten
older I have found comfort over cool, nifty, pretty or fun. But these girls
knew what would put a smile on my face and oh it sure did! It put a smile on my
face and made my heart happy. It was nice to be reminded that they are still
there. That over the miles there is still a great friendship and their support.
This reminded me of a story in Exodus (chapter 16). The
Israelite people were hungry and God said he would provide for them and He did.
God provided bread to feed their bellies, he told them to gather as much as
they needed for the day but not to hoard any till morning. Some gathered a lot
some gathered a little but no matter how much they gathered their bellies were
satisfied. Some of the Israelites held on to their bread till morning, out of
fear. When they woke in the morning those that had held on to extra food found
their bread to be spoiled and full of maggots. Despite their ignorance God continued to provide for them each day
as He said he would. God took care of His people and provided just what was
needed for them. Just enough. Not to much, not to little- exactly what they needed.
God provided a ray of sunshine for me on this plain ol’
Monday. He knew what I needed in just the form and dose I needed it. I am so
grateful for these girls! I wish we did stay in touch more but what a blessing
they are to me. How sweet and reassuring it is to know their thoughts and
prayers are for me, for Abel, for Victor and our family. No matter the time or distance they are still there and that makes my heart happy. My sweet little boy’s
story is traveling the miles. He has prayer warriors from all around and
supporters near and far. This warms my heart to know that Abel is so loved
already by so many.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Take a minute or two to
step back and see just how blessed you are. See your cup as full and your table
as a feast! God has blessed you and I pray He continues to bless you! Give thanks to the Lord in all!
So a special shout out to these long time old friends,
Veronica, Carly, and Jaime. Thank you for loving me and thank you for being
such sweet friends threw all the years!
I know Victor, Abel and I are loved by so many. Like I said we
are extremely blessed, our table is bountiful; we know this and are reminded of
this daily. Thank you to each one of our friends and
family that love us and support us each day. Thank you to the friends of the
friends that have started to follow our story. Thank you to each of you reading this or that know us that continue to pray for God's will, His strength and peace for us all. Thank you for each and every prayer for our sweet baby Abel. God is great! He fills our hearts and our souls. He does not leave
us, He does not forsake us. He blesses each of us in His way each day!
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