Thursday, March 26, 2015

A Beautiful Day

This past weekend was BE-A-UTIFUL!

This post is a little out of order of events but this weekend was so pretty I can’t help but share. And we all need some happy stories and days!

Victor and I got up early to have breakfast with his Mammaw and Papaw at Cracker Barrel. That was a sweet treat! It is always special to see Mammaw and Papaw but sometimes it is special to have them all to yourself. It doesn't matter how old you get love from Mammaws and Papaws is special and needs special attention! It has been a while since we have seen them between life and work and everything else. So breakfast was great and we enjoyed our special date!

I was ready to come home and be productive- that can be dangerous! Well my sweet wonderful husband put on his “work pants” as well and got on board to help! I’m pretty sure this wasn't how he wanted to spend this pretty Saturday but he also didn't want his pregnant wife doing all the work or for that matter throwing anything of his away. Haha We de-cluttered and Victor took a few loads to the dump. I was starting to feel better about ‘getting things in order’.

After one of Victor’s trips to the dump I started thinking… I wasn't sure what I could do around the house or what crazy pill I took but I wanted things done. I think (I am pretty sure) this is me nesting.

~As I write this my little baby Abel is in my belly tapping me to know he is in there. He is a happy baby, I believe! Victor even got to feel a big ol’ movement this morning! Both our eyes lit up when Abel made my whole belly move! These are the special moments, the ones we cherish and can't get enough of.~

Our sweet little Pepper enjoying the
sun & her ball!
(those are all the limbs I dragged in the background too) 
So I came to the realization I was nesting. Don’t judge here, but we are not preparing a nursery like most excepting parents. Our future is unknown right now. If/ when Abel does get to come home it will be different than other circumstances. We will figure things out then. God will provide. Right now we have more fun things to enjoy and do than prepare a nursery. Like today- we cleaned! Our house is still in the works. We have lots of projects to do. So when Victor got back I apologized and gave him his heads up that I was pretty sure I was nesting and since I didn't have any projects I could do I was going to work on this house! This also meant he was probably going to be doing most of the work because they are all big projects, like gutting the downstairs or clearing the back yard. Love my sweet husband he just smiled and said OK. (I know it’s not as OK with him as he portrayed in that smile. Victor likes his weekends and he likes to do things on his own time. But here again he is a supportive dad and husband.)

That belly is Abel not the pizza :)
So after a bunch of trash had been taken off we did some yard work. Victor was pretty hesitant in me helping he didn't want me to hurt or over-do myself. I wasn't quitting. I wasn't going to let him do the work and have all the fun; I am the one that wanted to be productive after all. I dragged limbs to the back of the yard, one at a time. Victor cut some ugly bushes down and I dragged more limbs. It was a gorgeous day and we did well as a team! I was pretty proud of us!

We had pizza and enjoyed the pretty weather as a family!

Sunday came around and we got more family time! We have had so much going on that we haven’t really had a chance to see everyone since Thanksgiving or Christmas. (I didn't get to go to family Christmas because I wasn't feeling so well and didn't want to chance the flu at the time.) We went to his Aunt Linda and Uncle Steve’s for a cook out! It was such a gorgeous day! The guys smoked wings and family gathered; mom, dad, cousins, kids, brother, sisters, Mammaw & Papaw. Abel loved all the attention and love he was getting! I like him being around familiar voices. I think it’s good for him. I don’t know if he really knows what people are saying or not but I like him having as much family/friend time as possible; being surrounded by love.  I like to think the voices help him. I tell him he is loved and supported by many but maybe it is nice for him to hear it sometimes for himself. And heck anything besides mine and Victor’s voice should be entertaining for Abel.

We cooked out, played with kids and enjoyed the day. I watched Victor with the kids… it warmed my heart. He is such a good daddy and will continue to make the best daddy ever! He blew bubbles, he drew with chalk, he played like he was a kid- he really still is all boy at heart!

It was a beautiful Saturday! Abel enjoyed all his adventures and his family time! These are the days we long for!

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