Saturday, August 22, 2015

Past Week

Well this has been a busy week…
That's me with 438 OUNCES
of donated breast milk!!!
Mom and Abby headed back to Texas this week... It was truly a God send that they could be here as long as they were. They both had time to bond with Abel before he made his debut, Abby read Harry Potter to Abel and my mom shared her kind words with him. He got to know them and love them, I am so grateful for that. Even more they were able to meet him on his big day! Once again those were priceless moments; I am so thankful for the family that was there and got to share in our greatest joy!  God knew our journey and Abel before we did. I believe it all happened in His time because He knew the outcome before we did. He knew I would need Abby to be my friend and a constant in a time of sadness. He knew I would need the comfort only a mother could provide. I am forever thankful they were here this summer. Thank you Jesus for knowing my needs before I do!
Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him
Matthew 6:8

This was my "pumping station" for the past 6-8 weeks.
Marsha is the bright yellow pump in the table! 
Sometimes you just have to do it… I just had to do it… It was time to stop pumping… Pumping has been a comfort. It has been a way to help others which is also my way of coping and probably distracting me of some real issues. It also kept the pregnancy real and the story from ending. Victor has been such a great support. Pumping has definitely put a cramp in our social life and trying to find a new “normal”; 15 minutes every 3 hours can really put a damper on plans and adventures. I am thankful for a husband that supported my idea to help others and a husband that understood when I said it was all I had left… so with mixed emotions I returned my sweet friend Marsha (yes I named my pump). With great excitement I am very proud to say I donated 438 ounces this time! That is a total of 702 ounces that went to some needed babies out there!!! Say a quick prayer for the milk they receive, for the babies in need and the families, thanks!

Last week I was also lucky to have my best friend come and visit! Candice and I have been best friends since 4th grade. We all know girls will fight and tiff, we sure have had our fights but our story is crazy and it is funny how we always seem to find our way back to each other like no time has ever passed. We truly have one of those “once in a lifetime kind of friendships”. I am so glad she was able to come and visit. Her visit helped me face the world and adventures I never thought I could or even would. All things are possible! I can do it! I will do it!

I know the weeks to come will be full of mixed emotions as well, as I gear up to head back to work (and face more days without my sister). It is scary and uneasy. Facing the world is harder some days than others. But I can do it, I will do it, I have to. Abel was a fighter and I have to be one too, for him! Thanks for the prayers in advance!

Hope whoever reads this has a great weekend and week to come. Today is beautiful outside here in Tennessee and I can’t wait to enjoy its beauty!  Remember to be still and quiet to hear God, because sometimes he whispers. Have a great weekend! Love you all so very much! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Truthfully and Honest

Two months since our little Abel came into this world and two months since our little Abel went home to Jesus. It has been a while since I have shared our story. There is so much I want to share and tell but it’s not always so easy but today I am trying…

I was reminded last night that throughout this journey I have done my best to be transparent and open; some moments have been a little more honest than others, today may be one of those. I have had trouble writing and sharing recently because I haven’t been true to myself. Trust me I have tried to share and write because although we know Abel is forever in heaven mine and Victor’s story still goes on. Last night as I was reminded of these traits I realized every time I try to write I continue to put 'up a front'. I want to be happy, optimistic, and faithful to let the world know we are OK. I have not been honest with you as friends, family, myself, sometimes Victor, but even more God. We are broken. There is some anger we are working on. Our hearts hurt in a deep anguishing pain. There are some days we can be optimistic and there are some days we don’t want to get out of bed much less carry on. We are not OK BUT we will be, one day. That day doesn’t have to be today or tomorrow it will come when it is ready to come when our hearts are ready to be. God knows my heart but I have to open it to Him, it is my job to share and talk with Him so that He can help me so He can help us.

My writing has been my outlet for a lot. It has been a way to share our journey with friends and family. I started this so that the truth good and bad could be shared and told, so that friends and family would feel that it was OK to talk about; in fact it helps. It helps not to ignore the issue. Some days it helps even more to talk about Abel like the little boy he is and was. I started sharing so people could see God’s presence through even the darkest moments. I am in those darkest moments now and I am afraid they could still get darker… I know God is there. I know He continues to love Victor and me but being honest, sometimes I wish I could feel Him hold us even closer. I need to feel His squeeze!

When Abel was with us I thought I coped and worked through my emotions well. Truth be it, I don’t think I was working through them at all instead I was strong and brave without hesitation because that's what Abel needed. I just did. I have had so many moms compliment me on my strength and courage, thank you. Truth be it; I believe any good mother would have done the same thing for their baby. Your way may be different than mine but it is what YOU believe is best for YOU, YOUR baby and YOUR family. No lie, caring Abel did have some rough days but as I have said before I put on my big girl panties and carried on. I was Abel’s life line and he needed me and I sure wasn’t going to let that sweet little boy down- I would have and still would give anything for that baby boy. But now… now… it is just me and Victor. Now I have to face ALL of the emotions… Anger. Love. Disappointment. Hurt. Pain. Excitement. Happiness. Loneliness. Emptiness. Accomplishment. Pride. And emotions I don’t even know how to put words to. No one writes a grieving manual on this stuff. Why write a book that you hope no one ever has to read? How to do you write a how-to when as similar as our situations and stories can be all-in-all we have nothing in common? The only true thing we now have in common is that we are both parents to forever little angels.
How do I learn to hold back the tears as the lady at the gas station ask about my baby? How do I learn to take a shower by myself again? How do I learn to just soak in the moments when I get a whiff of how Abel smelt on our special day? How do I learn that I may be ok one minute and in tears the next? How do I get out of bed some days? How do I learn and accept that I don’t have to be ok every day or that I don’t have to be strong for others? How do I really accept that this is my time to mourn in my way?
You can’t write a manual on this stuff because it is different for each of us. Being more honest; Victor is the only one that knows my pain, his heart is the only heart that feels even close to the pain as mine. That being said though he still doesn’t know. He can empathize but the ugly truth is I CARRIED ABEL. And now Abel is not here.

Last night a different friend also shared a lovely article "Not Everything Happens For a Reason"Great article, take a second and read it. I have had to remind myself on numerous occasions that people say this because they don’t know better or they don’t know what else to say. As Abel’s mommy, as a grieving mother, and a selfish honest human there is no reason big enough or good enough out there to justify why my son is not at home with me. I used to believe everything had a reason. How could this much pain and suffering have a valid reason? Victor and I have worked on accepting we may never know “the reason” for our story, yet we continue to see ourselves as blessed. That is the key. It is all in perception. Not everything happens for a reason, God does not want to see His people in pain or despair it is just part of life though. He wants to love us and see us through these tough times. It is our job to lean upon Him, to find Him and to make the best out of the situation. The power all lies within our own hands to make the good and our own eyes to see the reason.

“We all struggle. We all suffer. We all experience pain, heartache and loss.” We all have a story and a battle we are fighting. I just buried my son; this is my battle. Think of it this way: it’s like when you give a little kid a cookie and then suddenly take it away. They throw a tantrum the biggest tantrum in history, for heaven sake you just took their cookie away! For a few short minutes that cookie was their world and now it’s gone. What is your “cookie”? Are you fighting demons? Are you struggling in your marriage? Did you get a bad grade? Are you facing unknown health issues today? Are you just over worked and stressed out? Your “cookie” is your battle. I should not judge that my battle is worse or harder. Each battle is hard on a personal level because that is YOUR world. “God’s will is not an event that happens to us, it’s how we respond to what happens… God’s will for us is to walk with Him through the cancer. Through the abuse. Through the death. Through the illness. God’s will is for us is to draw close to Him in the midst of pain. God’s will is for us to use our painful life events to carry his message of hope, grace, forgiveness and mercy.”

Honestly… Victor and I have given back where we can and found what good we can for now. We have shared our story with people near and far. We have shared as much of Abel and his condition with doctors in Cincinnati. We have offered to help parents in similar situations in the future. We have donated breast milk to babies in need... I would selfishly trade it all for more time with Abel; that is me being selfish and very honest and very transparent right now. Sometimes the pain I feel is so harsh that this good we have given back just seems stupid and inadequate. I can’t say that I am that glad someone else gets to benefit from my pain and brokenness, I really could probably give two shits less but… well there is no but… it’s just the way it is.

As I re-read what I have wrote: “God’s will is for us to use our painful life events to carry his message of hope, grace, forgiveness and mercy.” (I am not rewriting what I wrote because it is honest and true to my heart right now) It is not necessarily the good we give back… It is how we continue to walk with God how we continue to show the world His love, mercy, grace and hope. We know God loves us and we see His mercy and grace sometimes we just have to look for it or remind ourselves of it. He gave us precious moments with Abel, our very alive baby, thank you Jesus! We have hope because of God. As we have been angry with God at times in this roller-coaster journey God forgives us and continues to love us.

One more sweet moment of how cool God is, how He still shows us Abel is with us…

Yesterday was a hard horrible tough day. It all went wrong; if it could blow up it did. My heart was broken but I continued to try and hold it together. I failed at some times yesterday but even in those moments of failure at the time I thought I was holding it together pretty well. Anyways… with one simple comment from Victor my heart shattered. I couldn’t carry on any farther and to my bed a barely made it as I curled up in a ball of tears. Victor held me, our hearts broke together.  In our moments of despair, because sometimes they just strike and they strike hard, Tyrah and Colee showed up at our door...  God speaks through His children. A child’s innocence is beautiful sometimes we just need to take a few moments to sit back and really soak it in. Colee drew Abel this picture 
That's a pacifier and a bed- because Abel was a baby
How wonderful it is to see this sweet little girl celebrate our little boy even though she probably doesn’t truly grasp the situation, she doesn’t have to she just knows she loves Abel and that he is in heaven with Jesus.

We may not be OK today BUT we will be. We continue to move forward and God continues to love us and work with us and on us.